How to setup Hotlink protection in cPanel?

  • After logging into the cPanel, click Hotlink Protection under Security category.

  • Hotlink Protection prevents other websites from directly linking to certain files (typically images) on your website.

  • You will want to prevent this if you have Copyrighted images, or to simplify Save on bandwidth usage.

  • You will first want to make sure your own sites are listed in URLs to allow access. So you are able to hotlink to your images.

  • Enter all the file types you want protected and if you want to allow people to be able to manually enter the URL of a protected file, click this box ‘Allow direct requests’.

  • Then enter a URL you want to redirect to, for anyone who tries to hotlink to your files or images.

  • Click Submit and you have successfully enabled hotlink protection.

  • To disable hotlink protection, click Disable button.

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